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Week-long workshops to teach your middle schooler about their interests


Here at EzClass, we strive to show children the joy of learning about subjects which they might not learn about in school. Through the following classes, we hope to achieve this goal.

July 24-29

 With the ever-advancing industry of technology, it is extremely helpful for kids to be introduced to the fields of computer programming, electrical engineering, and robotics. With this class, we will create a good foundation of these topics for your child. Through learning the basic fundamentals of Python programming and circuitry, the students will be provided with a solid foundation in working in the field of robotics. The students will apply their programming and circuitry knowledge from each class in the classes following it, building upon their knowledge each day to finally create a fully functioning robot. By the end of the course, the students will leave with a thorough understanding of how the robot works from its code to its hardware, as well as of the widespread applications of the knowledge that they learned to the evolving technological age. 


July 17-22

The mysterious and thought-inducing journey of solving a crime is not an easy task. By introducing your children to chemistry-based topics such as polymerization, chromatography, and substance identification, your child will gain insight into the realm of forensic science, and begin to realize how detectives do their job. To enhance your child's experience, hands-on tasks and experiments such as pigment separation and fingerprint analysis will be conducted through methods including paper chromatography and dusting. Using these methods, we will work through a fictional crime scenario and come to a fascinating conclusion. Your child will not only have the time of their life, but also learn key concepts in the subject of chemistry and physical sciences. 

School Supply


We are a group of four high school students who aspire to educate young children in an engaging, effective way. We chose to teach topics that we personally are passionate about because passion can really come across when someone is teaching. We hope that being taught about Game Development and Forensic Science will broaden the education and expand the curiosity of your child by teaching them about subjects which they typically aren’t required to learn in school. These subjects allow children to explore their interests, and eventually help them to get a job and be successful in adulthood.

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